Nail Wraps by Scratch

Thursday, January 10, 2013

So a few months ago I found about a really interesting concept- Scratch. You know how awesome nail wraps are? Easy to apply, no drying time with intricate designs that are near impossible to draw on by hand (especially on the dominant hand, ugh)? Enter Scratch. Nail wraps that come in gorgeous designs. I for one, am not a fan of most of the nail appliques on the market, I find most of the Sally Hansen ones downright tacky.

I was quite excited when I was able to try out these nail wraps. Evil eye design! How wicked cool is that? They come in eight sizes (total of 16) so I could easily find ones that fit. I decided to use white and blue as accent colors. In fact, I actually used excess blue from one of the nail wraps (they're quite long) as the blue on my ring finger. I then applied topcoat over my nails, paying special care to wrap the tips for longevity.

I really, really enjoy the Scratch designs. In fact, I have my eye on the the Ruby Honeycomb design right now. I love that the prints that are used are not frilly or garish but are clean and oh so visually pleasing.

Scratch nail wraps are $12 per set and can be found on Also be sure to follow them on Twitter @goscratchit and on Instagram!

Product featured was sent to me for review. For additional information, please refer to my Disclosure Policy.